Categories Divorce Tips & Tricks

5 Ways To Save Your Parents From Getting Divorced

Marriage is an amalgamation of culturally diverse two people. But also psychologically dissimilar two people.

It takes years or even decades to develop a connection where you cannot live without your spouse.

For some, it may take only five months to realize- that the spouse is their soulmate for life.

Yet, some couples take five years to realize that they are not best for each other.

They are best without each other. It does not mean that they must break the marriage and go out and sip a glass of peace. Such couples don’t realize the impact of ‘divorce’ on their children. It hurts their children to know that their parents are fighting/ quarreling/ sass-mouthing/getting violent because or for them.

How can you safeguard such a situation?

Here are five sure-fire successful choices that can prevent having a culprit called divorce in the family-

  • Influence is key

 Your opinions matter to your parents. They would love to hear about what you have to say to them. All you have to do is influence each parent separately. Influence them into impressing the other person, just like they did, back in the good old days of early romance. Ask them to relive their beautiful memories and create emotional scenarios that could bring them back together.

  • Avoid the blame game. 

In a couple, when a situation flairs up, that could transform into a full-blown-out-of-proportion wrestle. Usually, there occurs the blame game. Make sure your parents don’t blame each other for the tiniest possible thing like ‘why didn’t you fold the sheets?’

  • Search for the third wheel

At times, your parents may believe other people more than their spouses. Try to find out who is the third wheel in your parents’ marriage. Get hold of that influential person and try to change their outlook. It may change the pattern in which your parents may think about their marriage and prevent a disdainful advent of divorce.

  • Become a referee

Whenever you see or sense your parents entering the battlefield, make sure you become the referee. Any conversation could ignite the fire of quarrel. You don’t want that to happen to your parents. So, before the game starts, become a referee and draw the match.

  • Highlight the good deeds

Even if your father is a sass-mouthing terrible person and your mother is terrifying turbulence of taunts- you cannot get rid of them. Or the innate characteristics of theirs. So, highlight the good in them. If you cannot find the goodness in them, then look for it through hobbies. Your father may be a good painter, or your mother may love to sing. Introduce these traits to each of their parents. What can you say? It might make them fall in love with each other all over again!

If nothing works, try to engage your parents in finding the blessings and hope for the best for them. Your parents know what’s best for them in the end. You don’t have to boil your nerves all the time.